• Integrative Medication Management

The class of medications most commonly used for these disorders are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s.) We can work with you to figure out which medication works best for you based on current diagnosis and severity of symptoms.

If you are currently taking or prescribed medications for a mental health diagnosis, we can review the effectiveness in continuing these medications. At times we may need to adjust dosages, slowly taper agents, change medications, etc. Your safety is always our number one priority.

Due to the increased concern related to the current opiate crisis, opiate/benzodiazepine overdoses, and ever increasing suicide rates in the U.S. Rising Lotus Healing Practitioners have made a personal commitment to be part of the solution in combating the epidemic surrounding addictive substances.

For example, benzodiazepines (anxiety medications) may be used during an acute crisis or for panic disorders but should not be continued long term. There are several non-addictive, natural alternate medications, therapy and lifestyle modification options available that do not have the long term negative effects of some controlled substances. Rising Lotus Healing uses the least amount of medications at the lowest effective doses, with the goal of eventually tapering you off when you no longer need them.

We offer integrative medication management. This means in some cases we might keep you on psychotropic medications using the lowest effective dose. Other times and when appropriate, we may taper your medications in conjunction with Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy as we get to the root of what’s causing the symptoms.

We may also recommend natural herbal medicines or FDA approved nutritional supplements depending on whether or not you have certain gene defects which may be worsening your symptoms. We believe in our innate ability to heal. We use a holistic approach such as healthy eating, lifestyle changes, improving sleep, appropriate exercise (i.e. physical therapy, chiropractic, yoga, meditation), and therapy to enhance overall wellbeing.